There exist a wide assortment of efficacious methods, some natural and others chemical, to eliminate these armoured menaces on your cat. It is best to keep you cat healthy by treating it with these measures as soon as the fleas are detected on it. The best flea treatment for cats range from simple measures like combing and bathing to shampoos, sprays, powders, flea collars and anti flea medicines.
Best Flea Treatment for Cats
1. The Flea Comb
Flea combs consist of closely placed plastic or metal teeth to comb out the fleas and their debris from the fur coat. They are available in various sizes and sometimes with a deshedding glove to prevent flea transmission to the pet owner.
Flea Comb for Cats |
Deshedding Glove for Gentle and Efficient Pet Grooming |
2. Flea Drops – best flea treatment for cats
Various topical anti-flea formulations, Fipronil in Frontline plus, imidacloprid in Advantage and Selamectin in Stronghold/Revolution, are available in weight dependant dosage forms which are to be applied on the fur coat as per directed. The fleas die out by direct contact with these drops, so the trouble of the cat having flea bites for their elimination is overcome. Hence, spot on topical formulations are always considered superior to sprays, powders and shampoos.
Bayer Advantage II |
Frontline Plus |
3. Flea sprays
Sprays can be used on all indoor pet beddings, furniture, curtains, carpets and simply everywhere that your pet dwells. Natural formulations consist of Eugenol and peppermint oil and can be used directly on cats 12 months or older.
Best Natural Flea and Tick Home Spray |
4. Flea collars
Collars remain the most common flea control measure due to lower costs and ease of use. They either emit a gas that repels or kills fleas, or release a substance, usually imidacloprid and flumethrine, that dissolves and infiltrates through the skin layers to kill fleas anywhere.
Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat |
XUS Collar |
Here is the organic alternative, one with essential oils and natural ingredients.
5. Flea Powders
Inorganic anti flea powders have piperonyl butoxide and pyrethrins as the active ingredients while organic powders comprise natural diatomaceous earth from fossil shells. They have to be applied generously on the cat’s body and rubbed on the paws, legs and in between following combing/brushing of the cat’s fur for removal of dead fleas and dusting of pet bedding area regularly.
Fleabusters Rx For Fleas |
Diatomaceous Earth, DE, 1 lb – Natural Product for Humans Dog Cat |
6. Other Flea Remover tools
Simple conventional tweezers and tweezers with various enhancemental modifications of different sizes are available for manual removal of fleas. There is also this set of hook and double ended tweezers which provides for safe removal of fleas and subsequent disposal.
Flea and Tick Remover Tool |
Stainless Steel Tick Remover |
7. Anti-Flea Shampoos
These waterless bath foams are indeed a relief because cats always make water baths fussy and get irritated. The organic products have natural ingredients namely, eugenol, peppermint oil while synthetic formulations comprise pyrethrins, S-methoprine and piperonyl butoxide.
Waterless Bath Foam for Cats |
Flea & Tick Shampoo |
8. The electronic Flea Comb
This is a complete user friendly painless and harmless solution to fleas on your cat. The electrostatic current generated by the teeth of the comb kills fleas as soon as in contact. Also, it is an effective alternative to chemical sprays and collars which might be otherwise harmful for the cat.
Epilady Flea Zapper Electric Flea Comb |
Also, you can take a look into Best Dog Shark Life Jacket.
I’m Tammy Dewitt. Owns an online pet store and I am offering high-quality products and accessories for pets. With a passion for animals, I am providing a variety of items for dogs, cats, and other pets, with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction.